Sunday Gatherings

When Jesus said He would “build” His church we know He didn’t mean with bricks, mortar and steel. The church is a people who … rather than simply a place where. To be able to gather as the church is awesome because our desire is to be connected; to engage and support one another because we are intended to do life together. We were intended to be in community as family.

When you're not able to gather under the same physical roof - we're excited that we can connect together under a digital roof thru our phones, computers and TV's!

It will give us the chance, from wherever we are, to connect, sing, pray and engage together!

Each Sunday morning at 10:30 we join online to worship God - encouraging each other as we grow in community and live out His love practically as good neighbours in our communities. So, stay in your PJ’s if you want, grab some coffee, gather your fam, and click the button below to enter the ZOOM Livestream to connect and engage together! 

Click here for some ZOOM info to help you engage during our Sunday gathering

ZOOM Live Stream