Ever make a mess - you just want to walk away from? When our Christmas Tree fell over in the middle of the night, I knew it was going to be such a mess - I wanted to put caution tape over the scene and just sell the house! I was tired and that was just too messy a mess and I wanted to walk in the other direction.
Have you ever got a text, an email or a call from someone and you know before even reading the message or just from the caller ID that this person is in a mess ... again. And you just want to pretend like you didn't see it? We want to help - the impulse is there but we aren't sure we have the time, talent or resources to help ... right now and we want to walk away.
When Jesus told us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves, he had something revolutionary in mind. He was challenging us to see others as He sees us - as people … and to see their situations as opportunities, not inconveniences. He was calling us to put others ahead of ourselves just as He put us ahead of Himself.
Jesus tells a story about a very similar situation as He leads us to loving others. It's a famous story - called the Good Samaritan and He challenges us on our desire for convenience, comfort and control - so that we can Move Toward The Need.