The word "Gospel" means Good News.  So how do you define what is Good News?  Something "Good" that happened to you like ...  getting a promotion ... winning some kind of prize ... a snow day on the day of an exam ... an empty drive thru lane at Timmy's or is it simply anything that isn't bad news?!

Paul - who wrote most of the letters that make up the New Testament said that The Gospel is the Power of God for our salvation.  But it's not just about our afterlife.  The Gospel or Good News of Jesus changes EVERYTHING past, future and present but when we relegate the Gospel to something that only deals with our future life then we're like the old light bulbs that lose 90% of their supplied power to heat!  

We need to learn Gospel Fluency - to be able to think, feel and translate everything around us and inside us in light of what Jesus has accomplished for us.