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Everything has a starting point . . . including you. Physical life is one of many starting points. Education has a starting point (and maybe it never ends?!) Careers have a starting point. Romance has a starting point. Parenting has a starting point.

What we forget is that Faith has a starting point as well.  So our series is asking what is the adult Starting Point for the Christian Faith?  Hint:  It's not a Bible Story. It’s not even the Bible. 

The starting point for adult faith is a person.   The person who came to remove the mystery, to make what was previously unknown, known. He came to bring light to a dark world.  

This morning we're listening in on a conversation that a man named Paul had with a group of philosphers in Athens as he talks about the man who came from God for all nations - Jesus.  And we'll be left to consider THE personal starting point question - "Who do I think Jesus is?"