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What is the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? For me it was probably when I went bungee jumping.  I still remember it vividly!  I was only 154 feet in the air but I still swear I saw the curvature of the earth!   You only live once - but that's not exactly what you want to hear when the crane starts lifting you up to get ready to jump!  The truth is we have around 28 000 days to live and you can't just sit there!

Taking risks can be frightening and they can also be invigorating. Many things worth doing—from proposing to our significant other to applying for a promotion at work—involve a certain amount of risk. In life, risk is virtually inescapable.

In the final week of our Love in Chaos series - Bob Goff encouraged us to make the most of the days we’ve been given by taking the risk of exercising our faith in real and practical ways.